One time, Siti Fatimah asked Rosulullah. Who is the woman who would first go to heaven? Rosulullah replied: "She was a woman named Muti'ah".
Siti Fatimah was surprised. It was not him, as he had imagined. Why would anyone else, but she was the daughter Rosulullah own? Fatimah there arose a desire to know the woman spends on earth? And whether that has been in perbuatnya until he had the honor of being so high?
After asking permission to her husband, Ali Bin Abi Talib, Siti Fatimah went looking Muti'ah residence. Her young son named Hasan invited to participate.
When I got home Muti'ah, Siti Fatimah as she knocked on the door greeting, "Assalamu ...!"
"Wa'alaikumussalaam! Who's out? "Came the soft answer from the house. His voice was clear and melodious.
"I Fatimah, daughter Rosulullah," said Fatimah returned.
"Thank God, how happy I am today Fatimah, daughter Rosululah, willing to visit to my hut," came back the answer from within. The voice was cheerful and getting closer to the door.
"Alone, Fatimah?" Said Fatima, a woman's age, ie Muti'ah as he opened the door.
"I was accompanied by Hasan," said Fatimah.
"Oh excuse me," said Muti'ah, sounding sorry. I have not got permission from my husband to receive male guests. "
"But Hasan's childhood?" Said Fatimah.
"Although small, Hasan was a man. Tomorrow you come again? I will ask permission to auami me, "said Mutiah with regret.
Shaking his head, Fatimah said goodbye and returned home.
The next day, Fatimah Muti'ah dating back to the house, this time a company of Hasan and Husain. The three of them went home Muti'ah. After greetings and answered happily, still from the house Muti'ah ask:
"You still accompanied by Hasan, Fatimah? My husband had to give permission. "" Ha! Why not say yesterday? Which can permit only Hasan, and Husain yet. I can not be forced to accept it as well, "with feelings of regret, Muti'ah kai was also rejected.
Fatimah day failed again to meet with Muti'ah. And Fatimah returned again the next day, they were welcomed by the woman at his home.
Mutiah very simple home state, none have luxurious furnishings that adorn the house. However, all neatly organized. The bed is made with rugged looks too clean, white base, and freshly washed. Odor in the room was very fresh and fragrant, making people feel at home.
Fatimah was amazed to see a very pleasant atmosphere, so that Hasan and Husain are usually not very comfortable, feel at home in people's homes, this time it seems fun to play.
"Excuse me, I could not accompany Fatima to sit quietly, because I have to prepare a meal for my husband," said Mutiah while pacing from the kitchen into the living room.
Approaching the middle of the day, food was already prepared everything, and then placed on a tray. Mutiah took the whip, which is also placed on the tray.
"Your husband works where?" Said Fatimah
"On the field," said Muti'ah.
"Shepherd?" Said Fatima again.
"It's not. Farming. "
"But, why did you bring the whip?"
"Oh, is it?" Said Mutiah tersenyu premises. "Whip that I provide for other purposes. The point is this, if my husband were eating, and then I asked if my cooking is suitable or not? If he said fit, it will not happen. But if he says do not match, whip it I will give him, so I dicambuknya back, because I do not mean to serve and please her husband. "
"Is it the will of your husband?" Said Fatimah amazement.
"Oh, no! My husband is a loving. These are all my own free will, so I was not to be a disobedient wife to the husband. "
At that, Fatimah shook his head. Then he excused himself, saying good-bye to go home.
"No wonder if Muti'ah later became the first woman to go to heaven," Fatimah said to myself, in the midst of his journey home, "He was very devoted to her husband with sincerity. Such behavior is not a symbol of loyalty to slavery of women by men, but a mirror image of sincerity and sacrifice for the woman who should be rewarded with the same attitude. "
not only that, when it was still a fan and a small cloth object.
"What this thing Muthi'ah?" Siti Muthi'ah tersenyam shame. But after he also was urged to tell. "You know Fatimah, my husband was a hard worker toiled from day to day. I really love and respect him. As soon as I saw he got home from work, promptly kusambut arrival. I opened his shirt, kulap body with a small cloth to dry it dries. He was lying in bed, unwind, and then I lost Namru him up tired or fell asleep "
Siti Muthi'ah truly noble, women who are obedient to her husband. it is not wrong if she was the first woman to enter heaven.
Jika di sadur kedalam cerita Indonesia, sebagai berikut :
Suatu ketika, Siti fatimah bertanya kepada Rosulullah. Siapakah Perempuan yang kelak pertama kali masuk surga? Rosulullah menjawab:” Dia adalah seorang wanita yang bernama Muti’ah".
“Oh, itu?” sahut Mutiah denga tersenyu.” Cambuk itu kusediakan untuk keperluan lain. Maksudnya begini, kalau suami saya sedang makan, lalu kutanyakan apakah masakan saya cocok atau tidak? Kalau dia mengatakan cocok, maka tak akan terjadi apa-apa. Tetapi kalau dia bilang tidak cocok, cambuk itu akan saya berikan kepadanya, agar punggung saya dicambuknya, sebab berarti saya tidak bisa melayani suami dan menyenangkan hatinya.”
tak hanya itu, saat itu masih ada benda kipas dan kain kecil.
“Buat apa benda ini Muthi’ah?” Siti Muthi’ah tersenyam malu. Namun setelah didesak iapun bercerita. “Engkau tahu Fatimah, suamiku seorang pekerja keras memeras keringat dari hari ke hari. Aku sangat sayang dan hormat kepadanya. Begitu kulihat ia pulang kerja, cepat-cepat kusambut kedatangannya. Kubuka bajunya, kulap tubuhnya dengan kain kecil ini hingga kering keringatnya. Ia-pun berbaring ditempat tidur melepas lelah, lalu aku kipasi beliau hingga lelahnya hilang atau tertidur pulas”
sungguh mulia Siti Muthi’ah, wanita yang taat kepada suaminya. maka tidaklah salah jika dia wanita pertama yang masuk surga.
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